Monday, September 13, 2010

that's me, techno-geek

well, finally, i managed to install the scanner/copier i picked up on eBay a couple of weeks ago. it arrived the day before i headed across town to dog-sit for my brother, so i was busy packing and trying to make sure i hadn't forgotten anything important. then when i got back it took several days to recoup my energy, and then ... and then ... and ... well, you know the story.

anyway, i bit the bullet this afternoon, installed the software and did a couple of trials. seems to work really well. the "true" test will be tomorrow when i try to copy my 3rd quarter taxes, LOL

fyi, it's a Canon CanoScan LIDO 80 and it's powered solely by the USB interface cable. no extra wires or any of that nonsense.

anyway, so far so good, knock on wood ... hey, i wrote a poem!

oh, and ps, here's the first test photo ... what? you expected a touching family photo?

woof, woof, i'm ba-a-ack!

well, ok, it took me long enough. but rest assured that all the while i've been plotting and planning all the sundry topics i might blog about. the list seems to grow with each passing day, lol.

so far here's what i've come up with, in no particular order, other than i'll be starting with the first one on the list since the Season 3 finale was just last night
  • True Blood -- yep, just call me "bitten and smitten"
  • movies
  • television
  • politics
  • blogging
  • family memories
  • friendship
  • writing
  • journaling
  • art journaling and creativity
  • addictions and obsessions [no names, but initials are mlr]
  • pens, pencils, art supplies, journals, books (oc/ar, anyone?)
that's all i can remember for now, but i'm sure i'll be adding to the list as the spirit moves and my mind kicks into gear.

so, i'm off now to work on my True Blood post, which will be up soon*

*soon in MY world means sometime in the next day or two or week or month ;)