so, here it is, two weeks after my last post and i finally have had to give up any pretense that i could actually do it all. do YOU ever feel that way, like you CAN do it all, juggle all those balls in the air and manage your time so effectively that you get it all done and still have time at the end of the day to go out for drinks with your friends? and then reality steps in and takes control and knocks you back to your senses? kind of like life having a bit of a chuckle at your expense.
one of my classmates in my current blogging class recently wrote a post about spinning plates and multi-tasking. she referred to that guy on the old Ed Sullivan show who would spin a bunch of plates and bowls on sticks. all at the same time. he was a fan favorite, as i recall. he was right up there with Topo Gigio for entertainment value on a Sunday night, right?
her post struck a real chord with me, because i've been struggling with so many class commitments. but i finally realized that i couldn't possibly do justice to them all, and so i narrowed my attention and energy to the two where i had actually kept up with the reading and some level of participation with the other members of the classes: blogging and journaling. i feel good about this decision; it's created a more manageable project for me, and as a result i'm enjoying the classes more.
i'll pick up the photography class at a later date, probably in May when the other classes have completed. the art projects workshop is one of those "work at your own pace" classes that will last through December, perfect for focusing on later. and the research i did for this year's IFJM will be saved on my computer for April 2014 so that i can do justice to that project without all the other distractions.

i guess those words of wisdom from the White Rabbit were prophetic: "You made it! Oh dear, it looks like you didn't make it after all, haha he-hoo!"
all together now ... haha he-hoo!!!!
It struck me reading that - the questioning of your sanity, which you say "has been hanging by a thread of late" and then you continue to say, "but that's another story for another day" - that it is actually today's story, but you're not telling.
ReplyDeleteLove the pics with this post!