today is the date when three 11's align for the first time in a century. there's much ado on the internet about the significance of the numbers of this date, like the Mayan calendar and spiritual interpretations. i'm not going to write about it other than making this note of it. read here for some interesting factoids about 11/11/11.
November 11 also happens to be Veteran's Day, and PBS posted this blurb on Facebook today in honor of the day:
This Day in History: Today is Veteran's Day, also known as Armistice Day. On this day in 1918, on the "eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month," all fighting on the Western Front of World War I ceased. The Armistice Day agreement promised an end to fighting between the Allied powers and Germany.
American Experience's "War Letters" brings to life vivid letters from the front. Watch Lloyd, an American soldier writing to his mother, recount the emotions on the front on that historic day.
on another somber note: t-4 days until i am officially old .... wa-a-a-a-ah! :(
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