here are some quick thoughts about how i think of myself as different. hopefully some of these light people up in some way:
- sense of humor - i think i have a good sense of humor, quick, witty, droll. i find humor sometimes in the most mundane of circumstances and in the most average of comments people make. just a phrase or expression will trigger something in me, i'll let loose with some kind of witticism or observation, and most of the time people will catch it and laugh. can never have too much laughter, can we.
- calm exterior - even in the midst of chaos or extreme happenings, i tend to remain calm and appear to be in control and have a take charge mentality. i sense that this has helped people to calm down a bit so that they don't completely lose control and can handle the business at hand. most of the time, anyway.
- even temperament - i feel strongly, positively or negatively, about many things in my life. but i make an effort to not get too extreme with my anger. why? it only aggravates the situation and/or the person and gets us nowhere fast. and my calmness seems to be contagious and help the other person calm down quicker than they might otherwise. .
- jotting quick emails to people when something reminds me of them. my friends have indicated how much they enjoy these notes and how it sometimes makes their day, especially if they're having a bad time of it. the right word at the just the right time makes a big difference to most of us, doesn't it? i will say, however, that i could certainly do a lot better with this and make a more concerted and consistent effort in this area. i will absolutely work on this in 2011 ;)
- my ability to find new music and musical artists. my friends constantly express wonder at how i manage to do this, lol. it's great fun!
Very nice MO! I'm one of those music and gift recipients and love them all!!! And you do have quite the even temperament. Glad you are blogging!